Acronym | Definition |
NPW➣Non Pregnant Women (population segment) |
NPW➣Napa (Amtrak station code; Napa Valley, CA) |
NPW➣Nuclear Powered Warship |
NPW➣Natural Products Worldwide (various locations) |
NPW➣Named Pipe Wrapper |
NPW➣Net2max Private Wireless |
NPW➣Network Planners Workshop |
NPW➣National Park and Wildlife (various locations) |
NPW➣National Payroll Week |
NPW➣New Pool Wildcat (wells) |
NPW➣Net Present Worth |
NPW➣Net Premiums Written |
NPW➣Nordic Perl Workshop (Perl programming language) |
NPW➣National Police Week |
NPW➣Non-Potable Water |
NPW➣NASA ParaWing (kite) |
NPW➣Net per Week (financial management) |
NPW➣Not Proceeded With |
NPW➣NeoPaint for Windows (photo editing software) |
NPW➣New Pals Welcome (swapping) |
NPW➣No Problem Whatsoever (internet slang) |
NPW➣Non-Productive Wafer |
NPW➣Neue Philharmonie Westfalen (German orchestra) |
NPW➣Non-projectile weapon |
NPW➣Non Patterned Wafer |
NPW➣Non Payroll Worker (employment) |
NPW➣New Pro Wrestling |