Litologiia I Poleznye Iskopaemye

Litologiia I Poleznye Iskopaemye


(Lithology and Mineral Resources), a scientific journal of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Ministry of Geology of the USSR. It has been published in Moscow since 1963 and comes out six times a year. It contains articles on important problems of litho-logical theory and discusses scientific and practical advances in the study of present-day sediments, sedimentary and volcano-genic-sedimentary rocks, and associated mineral resources (coal, oil, combustible gases, salts, and iron, aluminum, manganese, phosphorus, gold, copper, lead, and zinc ores). Since 1966 the journal has been translated into English in the United States and published by the Consultants Bureau publishing house (New York) under the name Lithology and Mineral Resources. Circulation, 1,350 (1972).