Lithuanian Draft Horse
Lithuanian Draft Horse
a breed of heavy draft horses developed in the Lithuanian SSR on the basis of the žmud horse, which was improved by the Swedish Ardennes horse. The breed was confirmed in 1963. Lithuanian draft horses are quite massive, with a large head and well-developed musculature. Strong animals with mild dispositions, they are easy to take care of and well-adapted for work. Their color is predominantly copper dun; some Lithuanian draft horses are bay and other colors. The height at the withers of stallions averages 157.7 cm, and of mares 154.5 cm. Stallions weigh an average of 700 kg, and mares 645 kg. In 1961 the stallion Aras established the record in the USSR among heavy-draft breeds for speed in carrying a load a distance of 2,000 m—13 min. 10 sec. The best pedigreed horses of this breed are raised on the following horse farms in the Lithuanian SSR: žagare in Ioniŝkis Raion, Nemunas in Šiluté Raion, and Sudava in Kapsukas Raion.