Acronym | Definition |
OMA➣Office for Metropolitan Architecture (Netherlands) |
OMA➣Outlook Mobile Access |
OMA➣Oregon Medical Association |
OMA➣Office of Multicultural Affairs |
OMA➣Orlando Museum of Art (Florida) |
OMA➣Office of Minority Affairs |
OMA➣Open Mobile Alliance |
OMA➣One-Man Army (Quake 3 Arena clan) |
OMA➣Ontario Medical Association (Canada) |
OMA➣Open Meetings Act |
OMA➣Official Methods of Analysis (US Department of Agriculture) |
OMA➣Object Management Architecture |
OMA➣Online Marketing Agency |
OMA➣Operations Maintenance Area |
OMA➣Operation Management Applications |
OMA➣Optical Multichannel Analyzer |
OMA➣Olimpíada Matemática Argentina |
OMA➣Ontario Museum Association |
OMA➣Ontario Mining Association (Canada) |
OMA➣Opsoclonus-Myoclonus-Ataxia (syndrome) |
OMA➣Oceanside Museum of Art (California) |
OMA➣Ophthalmic Medical Assisting (courses) |
OMA➣Oracle Management Agent |
OMA➣Oklahoma Museums Association (est. 1972) |
OMA➣Optical Modulation Amplitude (IEEE) |
OMA➣Off Madison Ave (advertising; Arizona) |
OMA➣Office of Management Assessment |
OMA➣Office of Military Affairs (US CIA) |
OMA➣Office on Muslim Affairs |
OMA➣Operations, Maintenance and Administration (various companies) |
OMA➣Organizational Management Analysis |
OMA➣Oregon Mediation Association |
OMA➣Orderly Marketing Agreement |
OMA➣Outmusic Award (international gay music award) |
OMA➣Ocular Motor Apraxia |
OMA➣Opto-Mechanical Assembly |
OMA➣Oh My Anubis |
OMA➣Open Meta Archive |
OMA➣Operator Monitoring Assessment |
OMA➣Office of Management and Administration |
OMA➣Operations Management Association |
OMA➣Oklahoma Military Academy |
OMA➣Open Management Architecture (3Com) |
OMA➣Oracle Modernization Alliance (software) |
OMA➣Organizational Maintenance Activity |
OMA➣Operations & Maintenance, Army |
OMA➣Omaha, NE, USA - Eppley Airfield (Airport Code) |
OMA➣Odd-Mode Analysis |
OMA➣Ostfriesischer Motorrad Anzeiger (German motorcycle magazine) |
OMA➣Online Manual Archive |
OMA➣Outdoor Ministries Association (Church of the Brethren camping and outdoor education) |
OMA➣Old Motorcycle Association (Belgium) |
OMA➣Operations, Management, and Administration (US FEMA) |
OMA➣Organisation Mondiale de l'Autisme (World Autism Organisation) |
OMA➣Oh My Allah |
OMA➣Oilheat Manufacturers Association |
OMA➣Orlando Music Awards |
OMA➣Operations Management Application |
OMA➣Office of Military Application (US DOE) |
OMA➣Oil-Mineral Aggregate Formation |
OMA➣Object-based Mapping Automata |
OMA➣Optical Manufacturers Association (various locations) |
OMA➣Order Of Magnitude Analysis |
OMA➣One-Minute Average |
OMA➣Oh My Alice (Internet slang) |
OMA➣Optomechanical Assembly |
OMA➣Output Module Arbiter |
OMA➣Office of Members' Advocates (Wikipedian voluntary group; now Association of Members' Advocates, AMA) |
OMA➣Offsite Meeting Authorization (Sprint) |
OMA➣Orwin Manor Association (Winter Park, FL) |