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orthopnoea (ˌɔːθəʊpˈniːə) n (Medicine) med the shortness of breath caused by lying flat on one's backEncyclopediaSeeorthopneaorthopnoea
or·thop·ne·a (ōr-thop'nē'ă) Discomfort in breathing that is brought on or aggravated by lying flat. Compare: platypnea Synonym(s): orthopnoea. [ortho- + G. pnoē, a breathing]orthopnoea Difficulty in breathing when lying down.or·thop·ne·a (ōr-thop'nē'ă) Discomfort in breathing that is brought on or aggravated by lying flat. Synonym(s): orthopnoea. [ortho- + G. pnoē, a breathing] |