Neverovskii, Dmitrii
Neverovskii, Dmitrii Petrovich
Born Oct. 21 (Nov. 1), 1771, in the village of Prokhorovka, now Kanev Raion, Cherkassy Oblast; died Oct. 21 (Nov. 2), 1813, in Halle. Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812; lieutenant general (1812).
Neverovskii fought in the Russo-Turkish War of 1787–91 and in the war with Poland in 1792–94. He commanded the 27th Infantry Division in 1812. On August 2 (14) a detachment of infantry and cavalry under Neverovskii’s command stubbornly resisted the superior forces of J. Murat’s French cavalry at Krasnyi. This resistance foiled Napoleon’s plan to cut the Russian troops off at Smolensk. On August 24 (September 5), Neverovskii’s division stubbornly defended the Shevardino redoubt, and on August 26 (September 7) it defended the Sememovskoe fleches in the battle of Borodino of 1812, in which Neverovskii was wounded. Neverovskii fought in the battles of Tarutino and Maloiaroslavets and in the liberation of Germany from Napoleon’s troops. In the battle of Leipzig of 1813, Neverovskii was wounded on October 6 (18) and died of gangrene. In 1912 his remains were brought to Russia and buried on the Borodino field.