Nikolai Chizhevskii

Chizhevskii, Nikolai Prokop’evich


Born Mar. 27 (Apr. 8), 1873, in Kazan; died Apr. 22, 1952, in Moscow. Soviet metallurgist; specialist in the chemistry of coke. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939).

Chizhevskii graduated from the faculty of physics and mathematics at St. Petersburg University in 1899, the faculty of metallurgy at the Mining Academy in Leoben, Austria, in 1902, and the faculty of chemistry at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute in 1904. He became an instructor at the Tomsk Institute of Technology in 1909 and served as head of the institute’s faculty of ferrous metallurgy from 1910 to 1923; he gained a professorship at the institute in 1911. Chizhevskii became a professor at the Moscow Academy of Mines in 1923 and a professor at the Moscow Institute of Steel in 1930. From 1935 he also worked at the Institute of Fuel Resources of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Chizhevskii’s major work was on the metallurgy of iron and steel, the direct reduction of iron ore, expansion of the fuel base for metallurgy, and the design of coke ovens. He received the State Prize of the USSR in 1943. He was also awarded two orders and several medals.


Izbr. trudy, vols. 1–2. Moscow, 1958.


Nikolai Prokop’evich Chizhevskii. Moscow-Leningrad, 1947. (AN SSSR: Materialy k biobibliografii uchenykh SSSR: Seriia tekhnicheskikh nauk. Metallurgiia, fasc. 2.)
Bardin, I. P., and N. D. Kusakin. “Akademik N. P. Chizhevskii: Ocherk zhizni i deiatelnosti.” In N. P. Chizhevskii, Izbr. trudy, vol. 1. Moscow, 1958.