Nikolai Blokhin
Blokhin, Nikolai Nikolaevich
Born Apr. 21 (May 4), 1912, in the city of Lukoianov, Nizhni Novgorod Province. Soviet surgeon and oncologist; academician (1960) and president (1960–68) of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. Member of the CPSU since 1948.
Blokhin graduated from the Gorky Medical Institute (1934); he has been a professor there since 1947. Since 1952 he has been director of the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Oncology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. Blokhin’s work has been principally on problems of oncology; battlefield, plastic, and restorative surgery; traumatology; and the organization of medical science. Blokhin worked out original methods for several types of plastic surgery and variants of operations for cancer of the stomach, rectum, and other organs. Blokhin’s monograph The Dermatoplasty (1955) was awarded the N. N. Burdenko Prize of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1956).
Blokhin has been president of the International Anticancer Union (since 1966). He is a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and a member of the New York Academy of Sciences. He is president of the Institute of Soviet-American Relations. He was a deputy to the Seventh and Eighth convocations of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Blokhin was awarded two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Star, and medals.
Nauka protiv raka. Moscow, 1964.Virusy, rak, immunitet. Moscow, 1965.
O dostizheniiakh i putiakh razvitiia meditsinskoi nauki. Moscow, 1968.
Shabad, L. M., and B. E. Peterson. “Nikolai Nikolaevich Blokhin (k 50-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia).” Voprosy onkologii, 1962, vol. 8, no. 4, p. 115.G. A. NIKITIN