Nikolai Annenskii

Annenskii, Nikolai Fedorovich


Born Feb. 28 (Mar. 12), 1843, in St. Petersburg; died there on July 26 (Aug. 8), 1912. Russian economist and public figure.

In the late 1860’s, Annenskii became involved in the populist movement. A contributor to Otechestvennye zapi-ski, Delo, Russkoe bogatstvo, and other journals, he was subjected to arrests and, in 1880, to administrative exile. During the 1880’s and 1890’s, Annenskii directed the statistical work of the provincial zemstvos (district assemblies) of Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod; from 1896 to 1900 he headed the statistical division of the St. Petersburg city council. He helped compile the statistical collections on Kazan Province, as well as Materials Toward an Estimate of the Lands of Nizhegorod Province: Economic Section and Statistical Yearbook of St. Petersburg (1898–1900). In the 1890’s he was a prominent representative of the liberal populist movement. From 1903 to 1905, Annenskii was one of the leaders of the bourgeois liberal Union of Liberation. In 1906 he participated in the founding of the petit-bourgeois party of the Popular Socialists.


Gor’kii, M. Literaturnye portrety. Moscow, 1967.
Annenskaia, A. “Iz proshlykh let.” Russkoe bogatstvo, 1913, nos. 1–2.
Rikhter, D. I. N. F. Annenskii—zemskii statistik. St. Petersburg, 1913.