

单词 orthomolecular medicine

orthomolecular medicine

orthomolecular medicine

Now called megavitamin therapy, this is the use of large doses of vitamins to improve physical and mental health.

orthomolecular medicine

orthomolecular medicine

A term coined by Linus Pauling for the administration of the exact amount of a substance (e.g., a vitamin or mineral) needed to maintain health; this contrasts with the megavitamin therapy, in which excess vitamins are administered without trying to quantify the amount of vitamin needed. Proponents of orthomolecular medicine advocate its use for ageing, AIDS, alcoholism, allergies, arthritis, depression, hyperactivity, hypoglycaemia, learning disabilities, substance abuse and other conditions.

meg·a·vi·ta·min ther·a·py

(meg'ā-vī'tă-min thār'ă-pē) Large doses of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that are used as medications to treat physical and psychiatric illnesses.
Synonym(s): orthomolecular medicine.
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