

单词 mad cow disease

mad cow disease

mad cow disease

n. See bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

mad cow disease

n (Veterinary Science) an informal name for BSE

mad′ cow′ disease`

n. bovine spongiform encephalopathy. [1985–90]

mad cow disease

(măd) A disease of cattle in which the tissues of the brain deteriorate and take on a spongy appearance, resulting in abnormal behaviors and loss of muscle control. Mad cow disease is thought to be caused by infection-causing agents called prions. A form of the disease is thought to be transmitted to humans through the eating of infected meat. Also called bovine spongiform encephalopathy.
Noun1.mad cow disease - a fatal disease of cattle that affects the central nervous systemmad cow disease - a fatal disease of cattle that affects the central nervous system; causes staggering and agitationbovine spongiform encephalitis, BSEanimal disease - a disease that typically does not affect human beings


(mӕd) adjective1. mentally disturbed or insane. Ophelia went mad; You must be mad. 發瘋的 发疯的2. (sometimes with at or with) very angry. She was mad at me for losing my keys. 氣瘋了 发怒的3. (with about) having a great liking or desire for. I'm just mad about Harry. 極渴望的 入迷的ˈmadly adverb 發瘋地 发疯地ˈmadness noun 瘋狂 疯狂ˈmadden verb to make mad or very angry. The animal was maddened by the pain. 使發瘋,使狂怒 使发疯,使狂怒 ˈmaddening adjective likely to cause anger. maddening delays. 使人惱火的 令人恼怒的,令人发狂的 ˈmaddeningly adverb 使人惱火地 使人恼火地ˈmadmanplural ˈmadmen: feminine ˈmadwoman plural ˈmadwomen noun a person who is insane. He drove/fought like a madman. 狂人, 瘋子 狂人,疯子 mad ˈcow disease noun a fatal disease of cattle, which can affect also humans who eat meat from infected cattle. 狂牛病 狂牛病like mad wildly, desperately, very quickly etc. struggling/trying/running like mad. 發瘋似的 发疯似的

mad cow disease

mad cow disease:

see prionprion
, abnormal form of a protein found in mammals, believed to cause a group of diseases known as prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Well-known prion diseases are Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and kuru in humans, scrapie in sheep, bovine
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mad cow disease


 [en-sef″ah-lop´ah-the] any degenerative disease of the brain.AIDS encephalopathy HIV encephalopathy.anoxic encephalopathy hypoxic encephalopathy.biliary encephalopathy (bilirubin encephalopathy) kernicterus.bovine spongiform encephalopathy a prion disease of adult cattle in the British Isles with neurologic symptoms. It is transmitted by feed containing protein in the form of meat and bone meal derived from infected animals. The etiologic agent is also the cause of new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Called also mad cow disease.boxer's encephalopathy (boxer's traumatic encephalopathy) a syndrome due to cumulative head blows absorbed in the boxing ring, characterized by slowing of mental function, occasional bouts of confusion, and scattered memory loss. It may progress to the more serious boxer's dementia. See also postconcussional syndrome.dialysis encephalopathy a degenerative disease of the brain associated with longterm use of hemodialysis, marked by speech disorders and constant myoclonic jerks, progressing to global dementia.hepatic encephalopathy a condition, usually occurring secondary to advanced liver disease, marked by disturbances of consciousness that may progress to deep coma (hepatic coma), psychiatric changes of varying degree, flapping tremor, and fetor hepaticus.HIV encephalopathy (HIV-related encephalopathy) a progressive primary encephalopathy caused by infection with virus" >human immunodeficiency virus type I, manifested by a variety of cognitive, motor, and behavioral abnormalities. Called also AIDS encephalopathy.hypernatremic encephalopathy a severe hemorrhagic encephalopathy induced by the hyperosmolarity accompanying hypernatremia and dehydration.hypertensive encephalopathy a complex of cerebral phenomena such as headache, convulsions, and coma that occur in the course of malignant hypertension.hypoxic encephalopathy encephalopathy caused by hypoxia from either decreased rate of blood flow or decreased oxygen content of arterial blood; mild cases cause temporary intellectual, visual, and motor disturbances, and severe cases can cause permanent brain damage within five minutes. Called also anoxic encephalopathy.lead encephalopathy brain disease caused by lead poisoning.mitochondrial encephalopathy encephalopathy associated with mitochondrial abnormalities, such as melas syndrome" >melas syndrome and merrf syndrome" >merrf syndrome.portal-systemic encephalopathy (portasystemic encephalopathy) hepatic encephalopathy.progressive subcortical encephalopathy Schilder's disease.subacute spongiform encephalopathy (transmissible spongiform encephalopathy) prion disease.traumatic encephalopathy 1. boxer's encephalopathy.2. postconcussional syndrome.Wernicke's encephalopathy a neurological disorder characterized by confusion, apathy, drowsiness, ataxia of gait, nystagmus, and ophthalmoplegia; it is due to thiamine deficiency, usually from chronic alcohol abuse. It is almost invariably accompanied by or followed by korsakoff's syndrome and frequently accompanied by other nutritional polyneuropathies. See also wernicke-korsakoff syndrome.

bo·vine spon·gi·form en·ceph·a·lop·a·thy (BSE),

a disease of cattle first reported in 1986 in Great Britain; characterized clinically by apprehensive behavior, hyperesthesia, and ataxia, and histologically by spongiform changes in the gray matter of the brain stem; caused by a prion, like spongiform encephalopathies of other animals (for example, scrapie) and human beings (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease [vCJD]). Synonym(s): mad cow disease

In the middle 1990s, an unusual number of cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) were reported in people under 30 years of age in Great Britain. These patients displayed typical clinical features but not the EEG changes characteristic of CJD, and autopsy specimens showed unusual amyloid plaques resembling those of kuru but not previously observed in CJD. This so-called variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) has been traced to consumption of beef products contaminated by central nervous system tissues of a cow infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease). An epizootic of this disease killed more than 150,000 cattle in Britain between 1986 and 1996. Since July 1989 the importation of cattle and cattle products from the U.K. has been banned by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The discovery late in 2003 of a single dairy cow infected with BSE in Washington state prompted a revision of screening procedures in the U.S. and a tightening of restrictions on the use of meat products as human food. WHO consultants have condemned the practice of feeding ruminant-derived meat-and-bone meal to cattle and urged the adoption of measures to ensure that no part of any animal that shows signs of a spongiform encephalopathy enters any human or animal food chain. Milk, dairy products, gelatin, and lard are considered safe. see also Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

mad cow disease

n. See bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

bovine spongiform encephalopathy

A disease of cattle which is characterised by high-stepping or staggering gait, anxiety, increased sensitivity and kicking while being milked, and less commonly by frenzy and aggressiveness.
BSE has a long incubation period of two to eight years, and affects cattle that are fed bone meal and protein products from infected cattle; the disease is transmitted to humans by eating food contaminated with infected brain, spinal cord or GI tract. The human form of BSE has been called new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and as of late 2009, 166 people in the UK had died of the disease.

mad cow disease

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, see there.

mad cow disease



Hans Gerhard, German neuropsychiatrist, 1885-1964. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease - a form of subacute spongiform encephalopathy caused by a transmissible agent that has not been completely defined. Synonym(s): Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease; mad cow disease; transmissible dementiaJakob-Creutzfeldt disease - Synonym(s): Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
FinancialSeeMADSee MCD

mad cow disease

Related to mad cow disease: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
  • noun

Synonyms for mad cow disease

noun a fatal disease of cattle that affects the central nervous system


  • bovine spongiform encephalitis
  • BSE

Related Words

  • animal disease




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