


(“hair ticks”), a family of spider-like animals of the suborder Sarcoptiformes and the order Acariformes. Members of this family parasitize in the fur of mammals. They have an elongated body, 0.1-0.7 mm long. Their gnawing mouthparts are specialized for attaching to the hair of the host animal; the modified legs are also adapted for this purpose. There are four subfamilies comprising 20 genera and 150 species. The animals feed on epidermal secretions and dead epidermal cells. Members of the family lay eggs, and some give birth to larvae. They develop by metamorphosis. Only certain Listrophoridae species live on each type of host animal; sometimes one animal (the beaver, for instance) can be parasitized by several Listrophoridae species, but each species lives only on determined parts of the host’s body. The parasites can cause a mange-like irritation of the skin. Sometimes ticks of the family Myobidae are also called hair ticks (volosianye kleshchi).