Acronym | Definition |
LARC➣Langley Research Center |
LARC➣Liver and Activation-Regulated Chemokine (cell protein) |
LARC➣London Action Resource Centre |
LARC➣Lighter, Amphibious Resupply, Cargo |
LARC➣Long Acting Reversible Contraception |
LARC➣Learning and Academic Resource Center (University of California, Irvine) |
LARC➣Legal Advice and Referral Center (Concord, NH) |
LARC➣Latin America Research Center (Brazil) |
LARC➣Laboratory for Recreational Computing |
LARC➣Labor Archives and Research Center |
LARC➣Lutheran-Anglican-Roman Catholic |
LARC➣Livermore Automatic Research Computer |
LARC➣Lancaster Amateur Radio Club (Lancaster, New York, USA) |
LARC➣Learning Assistance and Resource Center (various locations) |
LARC➣Loudoun Association for Retarded Citizens (Virginia) |
LARC➣Los Angeles Rugby Club |
LARC➣Library and Resource Center (various locations) |
LARC➣Light Amphibious Resupply Craft |
LARC➣Legal Analysis, Research and Communications (law school class; various locations) |
LARC➣Limited Automatic Remote Collector (US NOAA) |
LARC➣Lorenger Aerospace & Research Corporation |
LARC➣Library Assessment Review Committee |
LARC➣Lee Association for Retarded Citizens (Lee County Florida) |
LARC➣Laser Ranging Countermeasures Program |
LARC➣Learning and Resource Centre (UK) |
LARC➣Local Admission/Rate Controller |
LARC➣Leveck Animal Research Center |
LARC➣Lowest Adjacent Road Crown |