

See also Courtesanship, Prostitution.Abrafavorite concubine of Solomon. [Br. Lit.: Solomon on the Vanity of the World, Benét, 3]Bains, Luluto Elmer Gantry. [Am. Lit.: Elmer Gantry]Brangwen, Ursulaliving with Anton Skrebensky without marriage license causes shock. [Br. Lit.: The Rainbow, Magill I, 800–802]Bridehead, Sueof Jude Fawley; two children by him. [Br. Lit.: Jude the Obscure]Burden, Joannamistress and benefactor to Joe Christmas. [Am. Lit.: Light in August]Gournay, Mlle. deMontaigne’s “adopted daughter.” [Fr. Hist.: Brewer Handbook, 633]Guinevere, QueenKing Arthur’s wife; Sir Launcelot’s mistress. [Br. Lit.: Le Morte d’Arthur]Lady Chatterlymistress of the gamekeeper Mellors. [Br. Lit.: Lawrence Lady Chatterly’s Lover in Benét, 559]Maintenon, Marquise deroyal mistress and later wife of Louis XIV. [Fr. Hist.: Benét, 622]Merle, Mme. Osmund’s mistress, by whom he has a daughter, Pansy. [Am. Lit.: James Portrait of a Lady in Magill I, 766]Perditastage name of Mary Robinson, mistress of George IV when he was Prince of Wales. [Br. Hist.: Benét, 773]Pompadour, Marquise deinfluential mistress of Louis XV. [Fr. Hist.: Benét, 802]Roxanamistress of many before marrying one of her lovers. [Br. Lit.: Roxana]Simonet, Albertineparamour of narrator. [Fr. Lit.: Remembrance of Things Past]