Mistletoe State Park

Mistletoe State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Georgia
Location:8 miles north of I-20 exit 175, off GA 150.
Facilities:92 tent/trailer/RV campsites, 4 walk-in sites, a backcountry site,pioneer campground, 10 cottages, camper cabin, 5 picnic shelters, groupshelter, nature trail (3.5 miles), backpacking trail (12 miles), lake, swimming beach, beach house (seats 75), 3 boat ramps,fishing dock (é), boat rentals, wildlife observation area.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming, water-skiing, hiking, bicycling, wildlife viewing.
Special Features:Located on 76,000-acre Clarks Hill Lake near Augusta, this park is known as one of the finest bass fishing spots in the nation.
Address:3723 Mistletoe Rd
Appling, GA 30802

Web: gastateparks.org/info/mistletoe
Size: 1,920 acres.

See other parks in Georgia.