Nevanlinna, Rolf Herman
Nevanlinna, Rolf Herman
Born Oct. 22, 1895, in Joensuu. Finnish mathematician. Member of the Academy of Finland (1948).
Nevanlinna, studied at the University of Helsinki and became a professor there in 1926. He became a professor at the University of Zurich in 1946. His main works deal with the theory of analytic functions, in particular, the theory of Riemann surfaces. Nevanlinna’s most important achievement was the creation of a general theory of meromorphic functions, which he developed with his brother Frithiof.
La Théoréme de Picard-Borel et la théorie des fonctions méromorphes.Paris, 1929. In Russian translation:
Odnoznachnye analiticheskie funktsii. Moscow-Leningrad, 1941.
Uniformizatsiia. Moscow, 1955.
Prostranstvo, vremia i otnositel’nost’. Moscow, 1966.