Nikolai Albov
Al’bov, Nikolai Mikhailovich
Born Nov. 3 (15), 1866, in the village of Pavlovo, Nizhnii-Novgorod Province; died Nov. 24 (Dec. 6), 1897, in La Plata, Argentina. Russian botanist (specialist in botanical systematology), botanical geographer, and traveler.
Al’bov graduated from Novorossiisk University in Odessa in 1890. During 1888–95, he studied nature in western Transcaucasia. In his work A Description of the Plant Life of Kolkhida (1896), Al’bov revealed for the first time the endemism and uniqueness of Abkhazian flora and vegetation. In 1895, he moved to South America, where he carried on his research, primarily in Tierra del Fuego and in Argentina. A number of plant species, as well as a lake at the headwaters of Mzymta River in the West Caucasus, are named after Al’bov.
In Russian translation:Priroda Ognennoi Zemli. Moscow, 1899.
Opyt sravnitel’nogo izucheniia flory Ognennoi Zemli. Moscow, 1904.