OFEOilfield Equipment
OFEOpportunities for Employment (professional development agency; Canada)
OFEOffice of Film and Entertainment (Florida)
OFEOffice of Fossil Energy
OFEOtwarty Fundusz Emerytalny (Polish)
OFEOtwartego Funduszu Emerytalnego (Polish: Pension Fund)
OFEOn-site Field Engineer
OFEOffice of Financial Empowerment (various locations)
OFEOpen Financial Exchange
OFEOmron Field Engineering Co., Ltd. (Japan)
OFEOwner Furnished Equipment (system integrator bids)
OFEOpenforum Europe
OFEOverflow Enable
OFEOdds For Effectiveness (estimated odds for recruit to make it through 1st year of active service)
OFEOpportunities for Error
OFEOverall Factory Efficiency
OFEOrder For Engagement
OFEOxygen Free Electronic (copper grade)
OFEOil Filtering Equipment
OFEOsteolysis, Familial Expansile
OFEOptical Front End
OFEOverland Flow Element (soil erosion)
OFEOhio Fire Executive
OFEOther Financial Expenses (finance)
OFEOhm Force Experience (band)
OFEOperation Fire Eagle (band)
OFEOther Films Expeditions (film production company)