List of Constellations

Related articles: Constellation , shipConstellation
, U.S. frigate, launched in 1797. It was named by President Washington for the constellation of 15 stars in the U.S. flag of that time. The frigate was built to serve against the pirates of the Barbary States, but after the outbreak (1798) of hostilities between
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, constellation , in astronomyconstellation,
in common usage, group of stars that appear to form a configuration in the sky; properly speaking, a constellation is a definite region of the sky in which the configuration of stars is contained.
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Constellation English name Position
R.A. (hours) DEC. (degrees)
in astronomy, northern constellation located to the NE of Pegasus and to the S of Cassiopeia. Its brightest star, Alpheratz (Alpha Andromedae), marks the northeast corner of the Great Square in Pegasus.
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Andromeda (Chained Lady) 1 +43
Antlia Air Pump 10 −33
Apus Bird of Paradise 16 −75
[Lat.,=water carrier], large constellation located on the ecliptic (the sun's apparent path through the heavens) between Capricornus and Pisces; it is one of the constellations of the zodiac. Aquarius is sometimes represented as a man pouring water from a jar.
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Water Bearer 23 −13
[Lat.,=the eagle], equatorial constellation located N of Sagittarius and Capricornus, lying partly in the Milky Way. It is sometimes depicted as an eagle. It contains the bright star Altair (Alpha Aquilae) and the pulsating variable star Eta Aquilae.
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Eagle 20 +4
Ara Altar 17 −52
[Lat.,=the ram], constellation lying on the ecliptic (the sun's apparent path through the heavens) between Taurus and Pisces; it is one of the constellations of the zodiac. It contains the bright star Hamal (Alpha Arietis).
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Ram 2 +19
[Lat.,=the charioteer or wagoner], northern constellation traditionally represented as a man, possibly Vulcan, carrying a goat on his shoulder while driving a chariot. It lies E of Perseus and N of Gemini and Taurus.
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Charioteer 6 +42
[Gr.,=the herdsman], northern constellation located to the SE of the Big Dipper in Ursa Major and W of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown. It contains the brilliant orange star Arcturus.
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Herdsman 15 +34
Caelum Chisel 5 −39
Camelopardalis Giraffe 5 +67
[Lat.,=the crab], in astronomy, constellation lying on the ecliptic (the sun's apparent path through the heavens) between Gemini and Leo; it is a constellation of the zodiac. It contains the star cluster Praesepe, but no bright stars.
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Crab 8 +14
Canes Venatici Hunting Dogs 13 +43
Canis MajorCanis Major
[Lat.,=greater dog], constellation lying near the celestial equator, SE of Orion. Known as the Large Dog (Canis Minor is the Small Dog), it was associated with the figure of a dog by many cultures; the ancient Greeks identified it as one of Orion's hunting dogs,
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Large Dog 7 −23
Canis MinorCanis Minor
[Lat.,=lesser dog], small constellation ying near the celestial equator, E of Orion and NE of Canis Major, the Large Dog. Known as the Small Dog, Canis Minor is traditionally identified as one of Orion's hunting dogs. It contains the bright star Procyon.
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Small Dog 7 +25
[Lat.,=the goat horn], inconspicuous southern constellation lying on the ecliptic (the sun's apparent path through the heavens) between Sagittarius and Aquarius; it is one of the constellations of the zodiac.
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(Sea) Goat 21 −21
[Lat.,=the keel], southern constellation, representing the keel of the ancient constellation Argo Navis, or Ship of the Argonauts. Carina contains Canopus, the second brightest star in the sky.
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Keel 9 −62
in astronomy, prominent northern constellation located almost directly opposite the Big Dipper across the north celestial pole. Five bright stars in the constellation form a rough W (or M) in the sky.
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Cassiopeia (Seated Lady) 1 +64
, southern constellation located N and E of Crux, the Southern Cross. It is known especially for its bright stars Alpha Centauri and Hadar. It also contains Centaurus A, a radio galaxy, as well as a globular star cluster visible to the naked eye.
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Centaur 13 −44
Cepheus Cepheus (the King) 22 +68
Cetus Whale 1 −6
Chamaeleon Chamaeleon 11 −78
Circinus Pair of Compasses 15 −65
Columba Dove 5 −32
Coma Berenices Berenice's Hair 13 +22
Corona Australis Southern Crown 19 −40
Corona BorealisCorona Borealis
[Lat.,=the northern crown], northern constellation lying between Hercules and Boötes. Its name derives from the crown Bacchus gave Ariadne when she was deserted by Theseus.
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Northern Crown 16 +31
Corvus Crow 12 −14
Crater Cup 11 −13
[Lat.,=cross], small but brilliant southern constellation whose four most prominent members form a Latin cross, the famous Southern Cross. The long arm of the cross, terminating in the brightest member, Acrux (Alpha Crucis), points almost directly at the south celestial
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Southern Cross 12 −61
[Lat.,=the swan], northern constellation located SE of Draco and NW of Pegasus. It was depicted as a bird by most ancient cultures. It is sometimes called the Northern Cross because five of its brightest stars form a huge Latin cross.
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Swan 21 +48
Delphinus Dolphin 21 +18
Dorado Dorado (a fish) 5 −64
[Lat.,=the dragon], northern constellation lying SE of Ursa Minor and N of Lyra and Hercules. It is traditionally depicted as a dragon. Draco contains the bright star Eltanin (Gamma Draconis). Thuban (Alpha Draconis) was the polestar 5,000 years ago, i.e.
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Dragon 17 +61
Equuleus Colt 21 +8
, large southern constellation stretching SW from Orion for about 60°. Because of its long, winding shape it was identified with a river by many ancient civilizations; e.g., the Egyptians called it the Nile and the Babylonians called it the Euphrates.
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Eridanus (a river) 4 −18
Fornax Furnace 3 −31
[Lat.,=the twins], northern constellation lying on the ecliptic (the sun's apparent path through the heavens) between Taurus and Cancer, N of Canis Minor; it is one of the constellations of the zodiac. Gemini is traditionally depicted as two men.
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Twins 7 +18
Grus Crane 22 −41
, in astronomy, northern constellation located between Lyra and Corona Borealis. It is traditionally depicted as the hero Hercules in a kneeling position. There are no very bright stars in Hercules and only three of third magnitude, the brightest of which, Ras Algethi
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Hercules 18 +22
Horologium Clock 3 −53
in astronomy, southern constellation lying S of Corvus, Crater, Virgo, Leo, and Cancer. It is a long, slender, winding constellation traditionally depicted as a snake and known also as the Water Monster or Sea Serpent.
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Water Monster 10 −16
Hydrus Water Snake 3 −72
Indus Indian 21 −54
Lacerta Lizard 22 +45
[Lat.,=the lion], northern constellation lying S of Ursa Major and on the ecliptic (apparent path of the sun through the heavens) between Cancer and Virgo; it is one of the constellations of the zodiac.
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Lion 11 +17
Leo Minor Small Lion 10 +35
Lepus Hare 5 −23
[Lat.,=the scales], southern constellation lying on the ecliptic (the sun's apparent path through the heavens) between Virgo and Scorpius; it is one of the constellations of the zodiac. Sometimes depicted as a pair of scales, it is also known as the Balance.
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Balance 15 −13
Lupus Wolf 15 −36
Lynx Lynx 8 +41
[Lat.,=the lyre], northern constellation lying S of Draco, E of Hercules, and W of Cygnus. Although many civilizations represented it as a bird, it was also depicted as a tortoise.
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Lyre 19 +42
Mensa Table 6 −78
Microscopium Microscope 21 −36
Monoceros Unicorn 7 −8
Musca Fly 13 −72
Norma T-square 16 −52
Octans Octant 20 −79
Ophiuchus Serpent Holder 17 −7
in astronomy, constellation located on the celestial equator. It is one of the most conspicuous and easily recognizable constellations in the entire sky. From ancient times it has been mentioned in the literature of many peoples and is traditionally depicted as the figure
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Orion (the Hunter) 5 +2
Pavo Peacock 19 −64
, in astronomy, northern constellation lying SW of Andromeda and SE of Cygnus. It is named for the mythological winged horse Pegasus. The constellation is easily recognized by the Great Square formed by the bright stars Markab (Alpha Pegasi) at the southwest corner,
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Pegasus (Winged Horse) 22 +18
in astronomy, northern constellation lying E of Cassiopeia and N of Taurus. It contains the bright star Mirfak (Alpha Persei) and Algol (Beta Persei), a visible variable star of the type known as an eclipsing variable.
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Perseus (Rescuer of Andromeda) 4 +44
Phoenix Phoenix 0 −52
Pictor Painter's Easel 5 −49
[Lat.,=the fishes], constellation lying directly S of Andromeda and on the ecliptic (the sun's apparent path through the heavens) between Aries and Aquarius; it is one of the constellations of the zodiac. Pisces is traditionally depicted as two fishes.
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Fishes 1 +12
Piscis Austinus Southern Fish 22 −28
Puppis Stern 7 −39
Pyxis Mariner's Compass 9 −32
Reticulum Net 4 −64
Sagitta Arrow 19 +18
[Lat.,=the archer], constellation lying on the ecliptic (the sun's apparent path through the heavens) between Scorpius and Capricornus; it is one of the constellations of the zodiac. It is traditionally depicted as a centaur drawing his bow to release an arrow.
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Archer 19 −32
or Scorpio
[Lat.,=the scorpion], conspicuous southern constellation lying on the ecliptic (the sun's apparent path through the heavens) between Sagittarius and Libra; it is one of the constellations of the zodiac.
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Scorpion 17 −32
Sculptor Sculptor's Workshop 0 −32
Scutum Shield 19 −11
Serpens—Caput Serpent—Head 16 +10
Serpens—Cauda Serpent—Tail 18 −13
Sextans Sextant 10 −5
[Lat.,= the bull], in astronomy, constellation NW of Orion and lying on the ecliptic (the sun's apparent path through the heavens) between Gemini and Aries; it is one of the constellations of the zodiac.
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Bull 4 +25
Telescopium Telescope 19 −51
Triangulum Triangle 2 +32
Triangulum Australe Southern Triangle 16 −65
Tucana Toucan 23 −63
Ursa MajorUrsa Major and Ursa Minor
[Lat.,=the great bear; the little bear], two conspicuous northern constellations. Known to many peoples from ancient times, these constellations have had various names; the configuration of the
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Large Bear 10 +48
Ursa Minor Small Bear 15 +73
Vela Sails 9 −46
[Lat.,=the virgin], constellation lying on the ecliptic (the sun's apparent path through the heavens) between Libra and Leo, and SW of Boötes; it is one of the constellations of the zodiac.
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Virgin 13 −3
Volans Flying Fish 8 −69
Vulpecula Little Fox 20 +25
1 Zodiac constellation.