List A

List A

A former group of hospital-based posts for junior doctors training to become GPs in the UK. GP training programmes under the old (pre-Modernising Medical Careers) format were of 3 years’ duration, and had:
(1) at least 12 months full-time employment in general practice; and
(2) at least 12 months full-time employment in hospital training posts approved for general practice.
Eligible hospital posts were formerly divided into List A and List B posts.
List A 
3–12 (typically 4–6) months of the following:
• A&E;
• Paediatrics or community paediatrics;
• Any of the following: general medicine, geriatrics, dermatology, genitourinary medicine, rehabilitation medicine;
• Obstetrics and gynaecology;
• Psychiatry or old age psychiatry;
• Palliative medicine.
No more than 12 months of any of the above-listed specialities counted towards the hospital component of the training programme.