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macrogenitosomia praecox macrogenitosomia [mak″ro-jen″ĭ-to-so´me-ah] excessive bodily development, with unusual enlargement of the genital organs.macrogenitosomia prae´cox macrogenitosomia occurring at an early age due to excessive androgens. In the female, pseudohermaphroditism is apparent and in the male the external genitalia are enlarged.mac·ro·gen·i·to·so·mi·a prae·coxa disorder in which gonadal maturation (puberty) and the adolescent growth spurt in bodily height occur in the first decade of life; often associated with a pineal tumor or lesions in hypothalamic areas known to regulate gonadotropin secretion. Synonym(s): Pellizzi syndromemacrogenitosomia praecox (măk″rō-jĕn″ĭ-tō-sō′mē-ă prē′kŏks) [″ + L. genitalis, genital, + Gr. soma, body, + L. praecox, early] Abnormal size of genitalia in the developing fetus due to excess androgens (male hormones) from the fetal adrenal. In the female, this causes pseudohermaphroditism, and in the male, enlarged external genitalia. Pellizzi, G.B., 19th-20th century Italian physician. Pellizzi syndrome - a disorder in which gonadal maturation and the adolescent growth spurt in bodily height occur in the first decade of life. Synonym(s): macrogenitosomia praecox |