amnion nodosum


 [am´ne-on] the innermost fetal membrane, which forms a sac filled with amniotic fluid that surrounds the embryo and later the fetus; as it enlarges it gradually obliterates the chorionic cavity and enfolds the umbilical cord. Called also bag of waters. Amnion, chorion, and other embryonic membranes surrounding the embryo of a placental mammal. From Dorland's, 2000. amnion nodo´sum a nodular condition of the fetal surface of the amnion, usually appearing near the insertion of the cord; it may be associated with multiple congenital abnormalities, especially hypoplastic kidneys and oligohydramnios.

am·ni·on no·do·sum

nodules in the amnion that consist of typical stratified squamous epithelium. Synonym(s): squamous metaplasia of amnion

am·ni·on no·do·sum

(am'nē-on nō-dō'sŭm) Nodules in the amnion that consist of typical stratified squamous epithelium.
Synonym(s): squamous metaplasia of amnion.