Acronym | Definition |
OPC➣OLE for Process Control (OLE = Object Linking and Embedding) |
OPC➣Orthodox Presbyterian Church |
OPC➣Ordinary Portland Cement |
OPC➣Oropharyngeal Cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) |
OPC➣Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. (Japan) |
OPC➣Open Platform Communications (software) |
OPC➣Outpatient Psychiatric Care |
OPC➣Office of the Privacy Commissioner (various locations) |
OPC➣Optical Proximity Correction |
OPC➣Omaha Press Club (Omaha, NE) |
OPC➣Oropharyngeal Candidiasis (infection) |
OPC➣Office de la Protection du Consommateur |
OPC➣Opel Performance Center (Germany) |
OPC➣Official Porsche Centre (vehicles; various locations) |
OPC➣Online Parish Clerks (UK) |
OPC➣Optimum Power Calibration |
OPC➣Online Photo Center |
OPC➣Ole for Process Control |
OPC➣on Programmable Chip |
OPC➣Optical Photo Conductor |
OPC➣Output Packet Counter |
OPC➣Oracle Pre-Compiler |
OPC➣Originating Point Codes |
OPC➣Open Process Control |
OPC➣Optimum Power Control |
OPC➣Opel Performance Center |
OPC➣Ocean Prediction Center (US NOAA) |
OPC➣Official Payments Corporation (electronic payment options) |
OPC➣Origination Point Code |
OPC➣Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin (antioxidant/antiinflamatory) |
OPC➣Open Packaging Conventions (container-file technology) |
OPC➣Optimum Power-Control (CDMA) |
OPC➣Oodua Peoples Congress |
OPC➣Oil Palm Company (Nigeria) |
OPC➣Overseas Press Club of America |
OPC➣Obesity Prevention Center (various locations) |
OPC➣Office of Public Counsel |
OPC➣Optimum Power Calibration (optical writing technology) |
OPC➣Ojai Playwrights Conference (Ojai, CA) |
OPC➣Originating Point Code |
OPC➣Original Poster Company (UK) |
OPC➣Optical Particle Counter |
OPC➣Ontario Police College |
OPC➣Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse |
OPC➣Offshore Patrol Cutter |
OPC➣Operation Complete |
OPC➣Organic Photo-Conductor (Hewlett Packard toner technology) |
OPC➣Oil Pipeline Company |
OPC➣Other People's Children |
OPC➣Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell |
OPC➣Operational Performance Commitment (Delta) |
OPC➣Odua Peoples Congress |
OPC➣Open Link Exchange for Process Control |
OPC➣Operation Provide Comfort |
OPC➣Operations Controller |
OPC➣Off Peak Car |
OPC➣Other Peoples Cash |
OPC➣Off Premises Contact (timeshares) |
OPC➣Objective Performance Criteria |
OPC➣OpenGL Performance Characterization |
OPC➣Online Public Catalog (various schools) |
OPC➣Office of the Protective Commissioner (Australia) |
OPC➣Optical Photoconductor |
OPC➣One-Point-Cut (glass ampoules, medical packaging) |
OPC➣Organizational Program Coordinators (various organizations) |
OPC➣Ovamboland People's Congress |
OPC➣Oklahoma Pork Council |
OPC➣Optimum Picture Control (Sony) |
OPC➣Operations Planning & Control (IBM) |
OPC➣Outdoor Pursuits Club |
OPC➣Own Point Code |
OPC➣Other Project Costs |
OPC➣Onstar Personal Calling |
OPC➣Other Peoples' Code |
OPC➣Oji Paper Canada Ltd. (Japan) |
OPC➣Output Port Controller |
OPC➣Organisme de Placements Collectifs (Finance) |
OPC➣Opinion of Probable Cost |
OPC➣Outside Processors Council (Rockford, IL) |
OPC➣Oilfield Production Consultants Ltd |
OPC➣Operation Committee (IATA) |
OPC➣Operation Process Chart |
OPC➣Other People's Cigarettes |
OPC➣Organizational Performance Consultant (US Coast Guard) |
OPC➣Office of Public Correspondence (Treasury Department) |
OPC➣Ontario Provincial Committee (Air Cadet League of Canada) |
OPC➣Orientation Planning Committee |
OPC➣Ontario Poison Centre (Canada) |
OPC➣Oficiul Pentru Protecþia Consumatorilor (Romanian: Office for Consumer Protection) |
OPC➣Oakhurst Petanque Club (Oakhurst, CA) |
OPC➣Ocean Processing Center |
OPC➣Office of Primary Concern |
OPC➣Oligarchy Peep Contingent |
OPC➣Odstock Parish Council |
OPC➣Optical Physics Corporation |
OPC➣Oligoprocyanidin (specific type of antioxidant) |
OPC➣On Phone Call |
OPC➣Office Protestant de la Communication |
OPC➣Optimal Prefix Code |
OPC➣Outlining Process Chart |
OPC➣Onnuree Presbyterian Church |
OPC➣Oracle Precompiler |
OPC➣Oscillator Power Control |
OPC➣Overflow Priority Classification |
OPC➣Organizational Point of Contact |
OPC➣Organisation, Planification, and Control |
OPC➣Optimum Performance Capable (aircraft is fully mission capable) |
OPC➣Objat Poker Club (France) |
OPC➣Open Proxy Connection |
OPC➣Operations Processed per Cycle (microprocessors) |