

单词 nci
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 (nCi) [nan´o-ku″re] a unit of radioactivity, being one billionth (10−9) of a curie.

National Cancer Institute

 (NCI) an institute of the national institutes of health that leads a national effort to reduce the burden of cancer morbidity and mortality by stimulating and supporting scientific discoveries through basic and clinical biomedical research and training. It conducts and supports programs to understand the causes of cancer; prevent, detect, diagnose, treat, and control cancer; and disseminate information to the practitioner, patient, and public in general.


National Cancer Institute, see there.


NCINational Cancer Institute (US)
NCINASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Critical Information
NCINFC (Near Field Communication) Controller Interface
NCINavigant Consulting, Inc. (consulting firm)
NCINevada Cancer Institute (Las Vegas, NV)
NCINon Compliance Issue
NCINetwork Computer Inc.
NCINuclear Control Institute
NCINational Cheese Institute (International Dairy Foods Association)
NCINetwork Channel Interface
NCINational Captioning Institute
NCINewcomb College Institute (Tulane University; New Orleans, LA)
NCINational Corn Index
NCINuclear Cities Initiative
NCINational Coastwatch Institution (UK registered charity)
NCINon-Controlling Interest (finance)
NCINippon Carbide Industries (various locations)
NCINon Coded Information
NCINational Coaching Institute (Canada)
NCINational Center for Interpretation
NCINational Client Identifier (finance)
NCINational Church Institutions
NCINew Community Instrument (EU)
NCINational Cybersecurity Initiative (various nations)
NCINational Computer Institute
NCINew Century Inns (UK)
NCINomura Capital Investment (est. 1999; Japan)
NCINon Compute Intensive (computer applications)
NCINational Corridors Initiative, Inc.
NCINelson Complexity Index (oil industry)
NCINetcorps Canada International
NCINational Coney Island (Michigan)
NCINon-Cooperative Identification
NCINationalities Council of Indiana, Inc.
NCINetwork Communication Interface (military technology)
NCINortheast Computer Institute
NCINetWare Centers International
NCINational Computer Index (UK)
NCINHS (National Health Service) Centre for Involvement (UK)
NCINearest Collision Intercept
NCINaval Coast Inspector (US Navy)
NCINarcotics/Covert Investigations Unit
NCINaval Combat Identification
NCINetwork Circuit Interface
NCINavy Compartmented Information
NCINon-Credible Inconsequential
NCINew Concepts Initiative
NCINon Conforming Image
NCINew Citizens Corporation (gaming web portal)




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