maternal deprivation syndrome


 [mah-ter´nal] pertaining to the female parent.maternal deprivation syndrome failure to thrive with severe growth retardation, unresponsiveness to the environment, depression, retarded mental and emotional development, and behavioral problems as a result of loss, absence, or neglect of the mother or other primary caregiver.

ma·ter·nal dep·ri·va·tion syn·drome

a failure to thrive seen in infants and young children and exhibited as a constellation of physical signs, symptoms, and behaviors, usually associated with maternal loss, absence or neglect, and characterized by lack of responsiveness to the environment and often depression.
A form of failure to thrive affecting infants and toddlers, caused by dysfunctional caregiver interaction, poverty, child abuse, and parental ignorance about appropriate child care
Factors Absent father or support group—family, friends, etc.; low maternal education or socioeconomic status, mental illness, teen or unwanted pregnancy

maternal deprivation syndrome

Non-organic failure to survive Neonatology A condition affecting socioeconomically disadvantaged infants and toddlers Factors Absent father or support group–family, friends, etc; low maternal education or socioeconomic status, mental illness, teen or unwanted pregnancy. See Failure to thrive.

ma·ter·nal dep·ri·va·tion syn·drome

(mă-tĕrnăl dep-ri-vāshŭn sindrōm) Failure to thrive seen in infants and young children exhibited as a constellation of physical signs, symptoms, and behaviors, usually associated with maternal loss, absence or neglect, and characterized by lack of responsiveness to the environment and often depression.