nutritive equilibrium

nu·tri·tive e·qui·lib·ri·um

condition in which there is a perfect balance between intake and excretion of nutritive material, so that there is no increase or loss in weight. Synonym(s): physiologic equilibrium

nu·tri·tive e·qui·lib·ri·um

(nū'tri-tiv ē'kwi-lib'rē-ŭm) Condition in which there is a perfect balance between intake and excretion of nutritive material, so that there is no increase or loss in weight.

nu·tri·tive e·qui·lib·ri·um

(nū'tri-tiv ē'kwi-lib'rē-ŭm) Condition in which there is a perfect balance between intake and excretion of nutritive material, so that no weight is gained or lost.