


a city (since 1938) in Voroshilovgrad Oblast, Ukrainian SSR. Located on the banks of the Severskii Donets. Railroad station on the Kupiansk-Kamyshevakha line. Population, 121,000 (1973; 85,000 in 1939; 104,000 in 1959).

Lisichansk is one of the oldest centers of the Donbas region and an important industrial center. Coal is mined there. Lisichansk’s industries include a soda plant, a plant producing rubber industrial articles, two glassworks, the Strommashina plant, a plant producing reinforced-concrete items, a glue factory, and a tire-repair plant. An oil refinery is under construction (1973). Factories producing clothing, industrial textiles, and Christmas toys are also located in Lisichansk. The food industry is represented by a meat-packing combine, a grain products combine, a bread combine, a dairy, and other enterprises. A mining technicum, a pedagogical institute, and a medical school are in the city. Lisichansk has branches of the Rubezhansk Chemical Technology Technicum and the Konstantinovka Industrial Technicum.