释义 |
amnionic band am·ni·on·ic band [MIM*217100] strands of amnion following its rupture, which can wrap around limbs, digits, face, and internal organs, causing constriction and amputation; the genetics of it is unclear. See also: congenital amputation. Synonym(s): amnionic adhesions, amnionic band syndrome, anular band, constriction ring (2) , Simonart bands (1) , Simonart ligamentsam·ni·on·ic band , amniotic band (am'nē-on'ik band, am'nē-ot'ik) Strand of amnionic tissue adherent to the embryo or fetus, which constricts the embryonic limbs. See also: congenital amputation Synonym(s): amnionic band syndrome, anular band, constriction ring (2) , Simonart bands (1) , Simonart ligaments. |