Nikifor Borisiak

Borisiak, Nikifor Dmitrievich


Born Mar. 15 (27), 1817, in the village of Rig, Poltava Province; died Mar. 18 (30), 1882, in the village of Zolotonosha, Poltava Province. Russian geologist, professor at the University of Kharkov.

Borisiak’s research is devoted to the geology and useful fossils of southern Russia, as well as mining and the history of mineralogy. Borisiak gave the first schema of the geological structure of the Kharkov artesian basin, and he substantiated the possibility of obtaining artesian flow waters. He established the distribution boundaries of chernozem in European Russia and studied the chemical composition of soils.


Sbornik materialov, otnosiashchikhsia do geologii luzhnoi Rossii, book 1. Kharkov, 1867.
“Rech’ o razvitii gornogo promysla na iuge Rossii.” Gornyi zhurnal, 1868, no 11.