Mississippi Palisades State Park
Mississippi Palisades State Park
Location:North of Savanna, near the confluence of the Mississippi and Apple rivers in northwest Illinois.
Facilities:241 Class A and B campsites (110 with electrical hookups), showers andflush toilets (seasonal), camp convenience store, 2 youth campingareas, picnic areas, shelters, playgrounds, restrooms, hiking trails(15 miles), boat ramps.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, hiking, hunting, cross-country skiing, sledding, ice fishing.
Special Features:Park preserves palisades, or high, steep cliffs, along the MississippiRiver. Erosion has carved intriguing rock formations on the bluff tops,including Indian Head and Twin Sisters, a pair of humanoid figures.
Address:16327A IL Rt 84
Savanna, IL 61074
Web: dnr.state.il.us/Lands/Landmgt/PARKS/R1/PALISADE.HTM
Size: 2,500 acres.
See other parks in Illinois.