Materials, Properties of

Materials, Properties of

degradabilitythe state or quality of being susceptible to breakdown or decomposition. — degradable, adj.elasticityPhysics. the property of a substance that makes it possible to change its length, volume, or shape in direct response to a force and to recover its original form upon the removal of a force. — elastic, adj.frangibilitythe condition of being very easily broken.friabilitythe condition of being easily crumbled or pulverized.infrangibilitythe state or condition of being unbreakable or indivisible. — infrangible, adj.lubricitythe state or condition of having smooth surface, as to facilitate movement against another surface with a minimum of friction. — lubricious, adj.malleabilitythe property of a substance that makes it capable of being extended or shaped by hammering or by pressure from rollers. — malleable, adj.plasticitythe property of a substance that makes it capable of being molded, given shape, or being made to assume a desired form. — plastic, adj.rigiditythe property of a substance that renders it inflexible, stiff, or nonpliable. — rigid, adj.sabulositythe quality or condition of being sandy or gritty. — sabulous, adj.serositythe quality or condition of being watery or thin, as a liquid. — serous, adj.viscositythe quality or condition of being able to adhere to things. — viscous, adj.vitreositya state or quality resembling that of glass, as in hardness, brittleness, transparency, glossiness, etc. — vitreous, adj.