Materials-handling equipment
Materials-handling equipment
Devices used for handling materials in an industrial distribution activity. The equipment moves products as discrete articles, in suitable containers, or as solid bulk materials which are relatively free-flowing.
Many different types of machines result from combinations and permutations of the following factors: (1) The route over which the product is moved may be fixed or variable; (2) the path of travel may be horizontal, inclined, declined, or vertical; (3) motion may be imparted to the product manually, by the force of gravity, by air pressure, by vacuum, by vibration, or by power-actuated components of the machine; (4) the motion may be continuous or intermittent (reciprocating); and (5) the product may be supported or carried suspended during the handling operation. Based upon their most common characteristics, materials-handling machines can be grouped into six broad categories, listed in the following cross references. See Bulk-handling machines, Elevating machines, Hoisting machines, Monorail