

M0149300 (mə-tîr′ē-ə-lĭz′əm) n. 1. Philosophy The doctrine that physical matter is the only reality and that everything, including thought, feeling, mind, and will, can be explained in terms of matter and physical phenomena. 2. The theory or attitude that physical well-being and worldly possessions constitute the greatest good and highest value in life. 3. Concern for possessions or material wealth and physical comfort, especially to the exclusion of spiritual or intellectual pursuits.
ma·te′ri·al·ist n. ma·te′ri·al·is′tic adj. ma·te′ri·al·is′ti·cal·ly adv.
Adv.1.materialistically - in a materialistic mannermaterialistically - in a materialistic manner; "one should not approach life materialistically"