Mushfiki, Abdurakhman
Mushfiki, Abdurakhman
(also Mullo Mushfiki). Born 1525, in Bukhara; died there in 1588. Tadzhik poet.
Mushfiki came from a poor family. He studied in a madrasa and lived in Bukhara until 1564. From 1568 to 1572 he served at the court of Sultan Saidi in Samarkand. In 1578 he moved to Bukhara.
Mushfiki left a divan of satirical verses and collections of ghazals and qasidas. He also wrote the poems The Flower Garden of Irem, A Poem on Wine, and The Reflecting World. The folk character of Mushfiki’s poetry is particularly perceptible in his satires; he denounced the greed of the wealthy and condemned unjust laws. Mushfiki entered Tadzhik folklore as a hero in folk tales.
Muntahabot. Foreword by Z. Akhrarov. [Dushanbe] 1958.In Russian translation:
Izbr. stikhi i poemy [foreword by la. Smeliakov]. Moscow, 1973.
Ayni, S. Namunai adabiyoti tojik. Moscow, 1926.Akhrori, Z. “Abdurahmon Mushfiki i Bukhoroi va Mushfikikhon digar.” Sadoi Shark, no. 6, 1965.