Individuals to whom property is, will, or may be transferred by conveyance, will, Descent and Distribution, or statute; assignees.
The term assigns is often found in deeds; for example, "heirs, administrators, and assigns to denote the assignable nature of the interest or right created."
ASSIGNS, contracts. Those to whom rights have been transmitted by particulartitle, such as sale, gift, legacy, transfer, or cession. Vide Ham. Paities,230; Lofft. 316. These words, and also the word forever, are commonly addedto the word heirs in deeds conveying a fee simple, heirs and assigns forever"but they are in such cases inoperative. 2 Barton's Elem. Convey. 7, (n.)But see Fleta, lib. 3, cap. 14, Sec. 6. The use of naming them, is explainedin Spencer's Case, 5 Rep. 16; and Ham. Parties, 128. The word heirs,however, does not include or imply assigns. 1 Anderson's Rep. 299.