Noncombat Duties
Noncombat Duties
the category of duties in military units and on ships aimed at maintaining internal order; ensuring normal conditions of the servicemen’s life, leisure, and training; watching over the strict fulfillment of general military and other official duties by servicemen; and organizing and ensuring order and protection with respect to the location of the unit (or ship). Noncombat duties cover the entire life of the military unit (or ship), determining the main principles of its organization, location, the plan of the day, allowances (money, food, or clothing) and everyday services for the personnel, the obligations of the officials, and the nature and composition of the daily details of the units, as well as basic sanitation and hygienic measures for the protection of the servicemen’s health. Noncombat duties constitute one of the means of educating the servicemen and of maintaining high military discipline and the solidarity of the military unit. The precise fulfillment of noncombat duties is the duty of every serviceman and imposes on the commanders the obligation to require their fulfillment. In the Soviet armed forces noncombat duties are regulated by the Manual of Noncombat Duties of the USSR Armed Forces, which on ships is supplemented by the Ship Manual of the USSR Navy.