释义 |
abasia [ah-ba´zhah] inability to walk. adj., adj aba´sic, abat´ic.abasia-asta´sia astasia-abasia.abasia atac´tica abasia with uncertain movements, due to a defect of coordination.choreic abasia abasia due to chorea of the limbs.paralytic abasia abasia due to paralysis.paroxysmal trepidant abasia (spastic abasia) abasia due to spastic stiffening of the legs on attempting to stand.trembling abasia (abasia tre´pidans) abasia due to trembling of the legs.a·sta·si·a-a·ba·si·a (ă-stā'zē-ă-ă-bā'zē-ă), The inability to either stand or walk in a normal manner; the gait is bizarre and is not suggestive of a specific organic lesion; often the patient sways wildly and nearly falls, but recovers at the last moment; a symptom of hysteria-conversion reaction. Synonym(s): Blocq diseasea·sta·si·a-a·ba·si·a (ă-stā'zē-ă-ă-bā'zē-ă) Inability to stand or walk in a normal manner; the gait is bizarre and often the patient sways and nearly falls, but recovers at the last moment; a symptom of hysteria-conversion reaction. Synonym(s): Blocq disease. |