musculus tibiofascialis anterior

mus·cu·lus tib·i·o·fas·ci·a·'lis an·te·'ri·or

, musculus tibiofascialis anticusseparate fibers of the tibialis anterior inserted into the fascia of the dorsum of the foot.

mus·cu·lus tib·i·o·fas·ci·a·'lis an·te·'ri·or

, musculus tibiofascialis anticusseparate fibers of the tibialis anterior inserted into the fascia of the dorsum of the foot.

an·te·ri·or tib·i·o·fas·cial mus·cle

(an-tēr'ē-ŏr tib'ē-ō-fash'ē-ăl mŭs'ĕl) Separate fibers of the tibialis anterior inserted into the fascia of the dorsum of the foot.
Synonym(s): musculus tibiofascialis anterior, musculus tibiofascialis anticus.