Lipschütz ulcer

Lipschütz ulcer

An acute-onset, idiopathic ulcer of the lower female genital tract described by B Lipschütz (1878–1931), who attributed it to Bacillus crassus, a now obsolete binomial; it possibly corresponds to acute idiopathic vulvar ulcer.


Benjamin, Austrian physician, 1878-1931. Lipschütz cell - a cell whose protoplasm contains single and double granules of varying size, stainable with hematoxylin. Synonym(s): centrocyteLipschütz erythema - Synonym(s): Afzelius erythemaLipschütz ulcer - a simple acute ulceration of the vulva or lower vagina of nonvenereal origin. Synonym(s): ulcus vulvae acutum