

单词 lip reading

lip reading

lip reading

n. A technique for understanding unheard speech by interpreting the lip and facial movements of the speaker.
lip reader n.

lip reading

lip reading,

method by which the deaf are able to read the speech of others from the movements of the lips and mouth. It is sometimes referred to as speech reading, which technically also includes the reading of facial expressions and body language. Lip reading is a medium of education in many schools for deaf children (see deafnessdeafness,
partial or total lack of hearing. It may be present at birth (congenital) or may be acquired at any age thereafter. A person who cannot detect sound at an amplitude of 20 decibels in a frequency range of from 800 to 1,800 vibrations per second is said to be hard of
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). It came into wide use after World War IWorld War I,
1914–18, also known as the Great War, conflict, chiefly in Europe, among most of the great Western powers. It was the largest war the world had yet seen.
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 in the rehabilitation of shell-shocked, or otherwise deafened, soldiers.


See publications of the National Association of Hearing and Speech Agencies (formerly American Hearing Society); O. M. Wyatt, Teach Yourself Lip-Reading (1961, repr. 1969); E. Hazard, Lipreading for the Oral Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Person (1971); J. Jeffers, Speechreading (1971).

lip reading


 [rēd´ing] understanding of written or printed symbols representing words.lip reading (speech reading) understanding of speech through observation of the speaker's lip movements.

speech reading

use by people with hearing impairment of nonauditory clues as to what is being said through observing the speaker's facial expressions, lip and jaw movements, and other gestures. Synonym(s): lip reading

speech read·ing

(spēch rēd'ing) Use, by people with hearing impairments, of nonauditory clues as to what is being said, acquired by observing the speaker's facial expressions, lip and jaw movements, and other gestures.
Synonym(s): lip reading.

speech read·ing

(spēch rēd'ing) Use, by people with hearing impairments, of nonauditory clues as to what is being said, acquired by observing the speaker's facial expressions and gestures.
Synonym(s): lip reading.




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