Lippes loop


 [lo̳p] a turn or sharp curve in a cordlike structure.capillary l's minute endothelial tubes that carry blood in the papillae of the skin.closed loop a system in which the input to one or more of the subsystems is affected by its own output.Henle's loop the U-shaped part of the nephron extending from the proximal to the distal convoluted tubule.ileal loop ileal conduit" >ileal conduit.Lippes loop a form of intrauterine contraceptive loop a system in which an input alters the output, but the output has no effect on the input.

Lippes loop

(li′pēz) [Jack (Jacob) Lippes, U.S. obstetrician, b. 1924] A serpentine-shaped intrauterine contraceptive device no longer used in the U.S.