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lip·o·trop·ic L0192400 (lĭp′ō-trŏp′ĭk, -trō′pĭk, lī′pō-)adj.1. Preventing abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat in the liver.2. Having an affinity for lipids. li·pot′ro·py (lĭ-pŏt′rə-pē, lī-), li·pot′ro·pism n.lipotropy (lɪˈpɒtrəpɪ; laɪˈpɒtrəpɪ) n (Biology) the process of breaking down excess fat in the human bodyEncyclopediaSeelipotropiclipotropy
li·pot·ro·py (li-pot'rō-pē), 1. Affinity of basic dyes for fatty tissue. 2. Prevention of accumulation of fat in the liver. 3. Affinity of nonpolar substances for each other. [lipo- + G. tropē, turning] li·pot·ro·py (li-pot'rŏ-pē) 1. Affinity of basic dyes for fatty tissue. 2. Prevention of accumulation of fat in the liver. 3. Affinity of nonpolar substances for each other. [lipo- + G. tropē, turning]lipotropic (lip″ō-trō′pik, trop′ik) [ lipo- + -tropic] Having an affinity for lipids, as with certain dyes (e.g., Sudan III, which stains fat readily).lipotropism (-trö′pizm) lipotropy (-trö′pē) |