

单词 awkward



A0553100 (ôk′wərd)adj.1. Not graceful; ungainly.2. a. Not dexterous; clumsy.b. Clumsily or unskillfully performed: The opera was marred by an awkward aria.3. a. Difficult to handle or manage: an awkward bundle to carry.b. Difficult to effect; uncomfortable: an awkward pose.4. a. Marked by or causing embarrassment or discomfort: an awkward remark; an awkward silence.b. Requiring great tact, ingenuity, skill, and discretion: An awkward situation arose during the peace talks.
[Middle English awkeward, in the wrong way : awke, wrong (from Old Norse öfugr, backward; see apo- in Indo-European roots) + -ward, -ward.]
awk′ward·ly adv.awk′ward·ness n.


(ˈɔːkwəd) adj1. lacking dexterity, proficiency, or skill; clumsy; inept: the new recruits were awkward in their exercises. 2. ungainly or inelegant in movements or posture: despite a great deal of practice she remained an awkward dancer. 3. unwieldy; difficult to use: an awkward implement. 4. embarrassing: an awkward moment. 5. embarrassed: he felt awkward about leaving. 6. difficult to deal with; requiring tact: an awkward situation; an awkward customer. 7. deliberately uncooperative or unhelpful: he could help but he is being awkward. 8. dangerous or difficult: an awkward ascent of the ridge. 9. obsolete perverse[C14 awk, from Old Norse öfugr turned the wrong way round + -ward] ˈawkwardly adv ˈawkwardness n


(ˈɔk wərd)

adj. 1. lacking skill or dexterity; clumsy. 2. lacking grace or ease, as in movement or posture: an awkward gesture. 3. lacking social graces or manners. 4. ill-adapted for ease of use or handling: an awkward tool. 5. requiring caution; somewhat hazardous; dangerous: an awkward turn in the road. 6. hard to deal with; difficult; requiring skill or tact: an awkward situation. 7. embarrassing or inconvenient; caused by lack of social grace: an awkward moment. 8. Obs. untoward; perverse. [1300–50; Middle English, =awk(e) backhanded, Old English *afoc (< Old Norse ǫfugr turned the wrong way) + -ward -ward] awk′ward•ly, adv. awk′ward•ness, n.


- Comes from Old Norse awk, "perverse," and weard, "in the direction of," i.e. "turned back upon itself" or "turned backward."See also related terms for perverse.
Adj.1.awkward - causing inconvenience; "they arrived at an awkward time"inconvenient - not suited to your comfort, purpose or needs; "it is inconvenient not to have a telephone in the kitchen"; "the back hall is an inconvenient place for the telephone"
2.awkward - lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performanceawkward - lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance; "an awkward dancer"; "an awkward gesture"; "too awkward with a needle to make her own clothes"; "his clumsy fingers produced an awkward knot"maladroit - not adroit; "a maladroit movement of his hand caused the car to swerve"; "a maladroit translation"; "maladroit propaganda"ugly - displeasing to the senses; "an ugly face"; "ugly furniture"graceful - characterized by beauty of movement, style, form, or execution
3.awkward - difficult to handle or manage especially because of shapeawkward - difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape; "an awkward bundle to carry"; "a load of bunglesome paraphernalia"; "clumsy wooden shoes"; "the cello, a rather ungainly instrument for a girl"bunglesome, ungainly, clumsyunmanageable, unwieldy - difficult to use or handle or manage because of size or weight or shape; "we set about towing the unwieldy structure into the shelter"; "almost dropped the unwieldy parcel"
4.awkward - not elegant or graceful in expression; "an awkward prose style"; "a clumsy apology"; "his cumbersome writing style"; "if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?"ill-chosen, inapt, inept, clumsy, cumbersomeinfelicitous - not appropriate in application; defective; "an infelicitous remark"; "infelicitous phrasing"; "the infelicitous typesetting was due to illegible copy"
5.awkward - hard to deal withawkward - hard to deal with; especially causing pain or embarrassment; "awkward (or embarrassing or difficult) moments in the discussion"; "an awkward pause followed his remark"; "a sticky question"; "in the unenviable position of resorting to an act he had planned to save for the climax of the campaign"embarrassing, unenviable, stickydifficult, hard - not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure; "a difficult task"; "nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access"; "difficult times"; "why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?"
6.awkward - socially uncomfortable; unsure and constrained in manner; "awkward and reserved at parties"; "ill at ease among eddies of people he didn't know"; "was always uneasy with strangers"ill at ease, uneasyuncomfortable - conducive to or feeling mental discomfort; "this kind of life can prove disruptive and uncomfortable"; "the uncomfortable truth"; "grew uncomfortable beneath his appraising eye"; "an uncomfortable way of surprising me just when I felt surest"; "the teacher's presence at the conference made the child very uncomfortable"


adjective1. embarrassing, difficult, compromising, sensitive, embarrassed, painful, distressing, delicate, uncomfortable, tricky, trying, humiliating, unpleasant, sticky (informal), troublesome, perplexing, disconcerting, inconvenient, thorny, untimely, ill at ease, discomfiting, ticklish, inopportune, toe-curling (slang), cringeworthy (Brit. informal) There was an awkward moment when people had to decide where to stand.
embarrassing comfortable, pleasant
2. inconvenient, difficult, troublesome, cumbersome, unwieldy, unmanageable, clunky (informal), unhandy It was heavy enough to make it awkward to carry.
inconvenient easy, convenient, handy
3. clumsy, stiff, rude, blundering, coarse, bungling, lumbering, inept, unskilled, bumbling, unwieldy, ponderous, ungainly, gauche, gawky, uncouth, unrefined, artless, inelegant, uncoordinated, graceless, cack-handed (informal), unpolished, clownish, oafish, inexpert, maladroit, ill-bred, all thumbs, ungraceful, skill-less, unskilful, butterfingered (informal), unhandy, ham-fisted or ham-handed (informal) She made an awkward gesture with her hands.
clumsy graceful, skilful, adept, adroit, dexterous
4. uncooperative, trying, difficult, annoying, unpredictable, unreasonable, stubborn, troublesome, perverse, prickly, exasperating, irritable, intractable, vexing, unhelpful, touchy, obstinate, obstructive, bloody-minded (Brit. informal), chippy (informal), vexatious, hard to handle, disobliging She's got to an age where she's being awkward.5. embarrassed, nervous, uncomfortable, uneasy, self-conscious He was rather awkward with his godson.


adjective1. Lacking dexterity and grace in physical movement:clumsy, gawky, graceless, inept, lumpish, maladroit, ungainly, ungraceful.Slang: klutzy.Idiom: all thumbs.2. Clumsily lacking in the ability to do or perform:bumbling, clumsy, gauche, heavy-handed, inept, maladroit, unskillful.3. Characterized by inappropriateness and gracelessness, especially in expression:ill-chosen, inappropriate, inept, infelicitous, unfortunate, unhappy.4. Difficult to handle or manage:bulky, clumsy, ungainly, unhandy, unmanageable, unwieldy.5. Characterized by embarrassment and discomfort:constrained, uncomfortable, uneasy.


(ˈoːkwəd) adjective1. not graceful or elegant. an awkward movement. 笨拙的 笨拙的2. difficult or causing difficulty, embarrassment etc. an awkward question; an awkward silence; His cut is in an awkward place. 棘手的,尷尬的 尴尬的,难处理的 ˈawkwardly adverb 笨拙地,棘手地,尷尬地 笨拙地,尴尬的,难处理的 ˈawkwardness noun 笨拙,棘手,尷尬 笨拙,难为情,尴尬




an awkward customer

A troublesome person. I don't want Joe to join the club, he's just such an awkward customer.See also: awkward, customer

(as) awkward as a cow on a crutch

Very clumsy or uncoordinated. When my toddler was first learning to walk, she was awkward as a cow on a crutch. He'll never make the basketball team—he's as awkward as a cow on a crutch.See also: awkward, cow, crutch, on

awkward age

The period between childhood and adulthood, which many find to be the most difficult to navigate emotionally. I always cringe when I look back at the stuff I wrote during my awkward age, so full of angst and self-importance.See also: age, awkward

awkward squad

A group of individuals within a unit or organization who do not cooperate, accept change, or act in the group's interest, either deliberately or due to incompetence. This awkward squad of senators is causing headaches for both parties.See also: awkward, squad

place (one) in an awkward position

To cause one to be in a situation or scenario that could prove to be embarrassing or damaging to one's reputation, career, relationship with someone else, etc. Because I'm good friends with both Jack and Jenny, their breakup places me in a really awkward position. I hope you realize that it will place us in an awkward position if you decide to leave the company right now.See also: awkward, place, position

put (one) in an awkward position

To cause one to be in a situation or scenario that could prove to be embarrassing or damaging to one's reputation, career, relationship with someone else, etc. Because I'm such good friends with both Jack and Jenny, their breakup puts me in a really awkward position. I hope you realize that it will put us in an awkward position if you decide to leave the company right now.See also: awkward, position, put

*awkward as a cow on a crutch

 and *awkward as a cow on roller skatesvery clumsy or off balance. (*Also: as ~.) When Lulu was overweight, she was awkward as a cow on a crutch. Tom will never be a gymnast. He's as awkward as a cow on roller skates!See also: awkward, cow, crutch, on

*bull in a china shop

Prov. a very clumsy creature in a delicate situation. (*Typically: as awkward as ~; like ~.) I never know what to say at a funeral. I feel like a bull in a china shop, trampling on feelings without even meaning to. Lester felt like a bull in a china shop; reaching for an orange, he made several elaborate pyramids of fruit tumble down.See also: bull, china, shop

place someone in an awkward position

Fig. to put someone in an embarrassing or delicate situation. Your decision places me in an awkward position. I'm afraid I have put myself in sort of an awkward position.See also: awkward, place, position

put someone in an awkward position

to make a situation difficult for someone; to make it difficult for someone to evade or avoid acting. Your demands have put me in an awkward position. I don't know what to do. I'm afraid I've put myself in sort of an awkward position.See also: awkward, position, put

bull in a china shop

An extremely clumsy person, as in Her living room, with its delicate furniture and knickknacks, made him feel like a bull in a china shop . The precise origin for this term has been lost; it was first recorded in Frederick Marryat's novel, Jacob Faithful (1834). See also: bull, china, shop

the awkward age

adolescence.See also: age, awkward

the awkward squad

a squad composed of recruits and soldiers who need further training. Shortly before his death Robert Burns is reported to have said, ‘Don't let the awkward squad fire over me’. Nowadays, the expression is often used to refer to a group of people who are regarded as tiresome or difficult to deal with.See also: awkward, squad

the ˈawkward age

the period when some young people have difficulties as they approach adult life: ‘Gary seems such a quiet boy.’ ‘Oh, he’s just at that awkward age — he’ll soon grow out of it.’See also: age, awkward

bull in a china shop

Clumsily destructive. An early written example of the expression appeared in Frederick Marryat's 1834 novel, Jacob Faithful , although the image of a bull wrecking havoc as he wandered among tables and shelves of fine porcelain can be traced a century earlier. The expression can also be found in several European languages, although the animal in question is an elephant. In 1940, an American press agent led a bull through a New York City china shop as a publicity stunt. The bull didn't break anything, but a bystander trying to avoid the bull backed into a table and caused the damage.See also: bull, china, shop


  • adj

Synonyms for awkward

adj embarrassing


  • embarrassing
  • difficult
  • compromising
  • sensitive
  • embarrassed
  • painful
  • distressing
  • delicate
  • uncomfortable
  • tricky
  • trying
  • humiliating
  • unpleasant
  • sticky
  • troublesome
  • perplexing
  • disconcerting
  • inconvenient
  • thorny
  • untimely
  • ill at ease
  • discomfiting
  • ticklish
  • inopportune
  • toe-curling
  • cringeworthy


  • comfortable
  • pleasant

adj inconvenient


  • inconvenient
  • difficult
  • troublesome
  • cumbersome
  • unwieldy
  • unmanageable
  • clunky
  • unhandy


  • easy
  • convenient
  • handy

adj clumsy


  • clumsy
  • stiff
  • rude
  • blundering
  • coarse
  • bungling
  • lumbering
  • inept
  • unskilled
  • bumbling
  • unwieldy
  • ponderous
  • ungainly
  • gauche
  • gawky
  • uncouth
  • unrefined
  • artless
  • inelegant
  • uncoordinated
  • graceless
  • cack-handed
  • unpolished
  • clownish
  • oafish
  • inexpert
  • maladroit
  • ill-bred
  • all thumbs
  • ungraceful
  • skill-less
  • unskilful
  • butterfingered
  • unhandy
  • ham-fisted or ham-handed


  • graceful
  • skilful
  • adept
  • adroit
  • dexterous

adj uncooperative


  • uncooperative
  • trying
  • difficult
  • annoying
  • unpredictable
  • unreasonable
  • stubborn
  • troublesome
  • perverse
  • prickly
  • exasperating
  • irritable
  • intractable
  • vexing
  • unhelpful
  • touchy
  • obstinate
  • obstructive
  • bloody-minded
  • chippy
  • vexatious
  • hard to handle
  • disobliging

adj embarrassed


  • embarrassed
  • nervous
  • uncomfortable
  • uneasy
  • self-conscious

Synonyms for awkward

adj lacking dexterity and grace in physical movement


  • clumsy
  • gawky
  • graceless
  • inept
  • lumpish
  • maladroit
  • ungainly
  • ungraceful
  • klutzy

adj clumsily lacking in the ability to do or perform


  • bumbling
  • clumsy
  • gauche
  • heavy-handed
  • inept
  • maladroit
  • unskillful

adj characterized by inappropriateness and gracelessness, especially in expression


  • ill-chosen
  • inappropriate
  • inept
  • infelicitous
  • unfortunate
  • unhappy

adj difficult to handle or manage


  • bulky
  • clumsy
  • ungainly
  • unhandy
  • unmanageable
  • unwieldy

adj characterized by embarrassment and discomfort


  • constrained
  • uncomfortable
  • uneasy

Synonyms for awkward

adj causing inconvenience

Related Words

  • inconvenient

adj lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance

Related Words

  • maladroit
  • ugly


  • graceful

adj difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape


  • bunglesome
  • ungainly
  • clumsy

Related Words

  • unmanageable
  • unwieldy

adj not elegant or graceful in expression


  • ill-chosen
  • inapt
  • inept
  • clumsy
  • cumbersome

Related Words

  • infelicitous

adj hard to deal with


  • embarrassing
  • unenviable
  • sticky

Related Words

  • difficult
  • hard

adj socially uncomfortable


  • ill at ease
  • uneasy

Related Words

  • uncomfortable




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