Most Strike of 1932
Most Strike of 1932
a major strike, lasting from March 23 to April 20, of miners of the North Bohemian coal basin centered in the city of Most.
The strikers demanded an end to layoffs and cuts in wages; improvements in the social security system and job safety; and recognition of freedom of press and of assembly and of the right to demonstrate and conduct union activities. A united workers’ front was formed in the course of the strike, the organ of which was the Central Strike Committee, headed by Communists such as K. Gottwald, J. Ŝverma, and A. Zápotocký and supported by local strike committees. The Most strike was also supported by the unemployed, by peasants, and by other strata of the population.
On April 13 the strike turned into a one-day general strike of the working people of the Most region. This was accompanied by clashes between the strikers and troops and gendarmes. The Most strike ended in a partial victory for the miners: the layoffs and wage cuts were cancelled.