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land of milk and honey
land of milk and honey n 1. (Bible) Old Testament the land of natural fertility promised to the Israelites by God (Ezekiel 20:6) 2. any fertile land, state, etc land of milk and honey - In the Bible, a land of prosperity and plenty promised by God to the Israelites.See also related terms for prosperity.land of milk and honey
land of milk and honeyA place of abundance that is free from want. The phrase comes from the Biblical description of the land promised to the Israelites. It might be better than where you came from, but don't think this is some utopia or land of milk and honey—we still have to work for what we have.See also: and, honey, land, milk, ofthe land of milk and honey or a land of milk and honey LITERARYIf you call a country or place the land of milk and honey or a land of milk and honey, you mean that it is a place with plenty of food and resources, where people can make money easily and have good lives. Note: `Spilled' can also be spelled `spilt' in British English. Canada was the land of milk and honey. The land of opportunities. This was the first port of call for many refugees coming to Australia, expecting to find a land of milk and honey. Note: This expression is used in the Bible to describe the Promised Land of the Israelites. (Exodus 3:8) See also: and, honey, land, milk, ofmilk and honey prosperity and abundance. This expression alludes to the prosperity of the Promised Land of Israel in the Bible (Exodus 3:8).See also: and, honey, milka/the land of ˌmilk and ˈhoney a place where life is pleasant and easy and people are very happy: She had always longed to travel to the United States and to see what she imagined as the land of milk and honey.This phrase comes from the Bible, referring to the Promised Land.See also: and, honey, land, milk, ofland of milk and honey, theA place abounding in good things. The term comes from the Book of Exodus (3:8), where God tells Moses, “And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians . . . unto a land flowing with milk and honey.”See also: and, land, milk, ofland of milk and honey
land of milk and honey Old Testament the land of natural fertility promised to the Israelites by God (Ezekiel 20:6) land of milk and honeyland of fertility and abundance. [O.T.: Exodus 3:8, 33:3; Jeremiah 11:5]See: Abundance
land of milk and honeyproverbial ideal of plenty and happiness. [Western Cult.: Brewer Dictionary]See: ParadiseAcronymsSeeLOMAH |