Oresme, Nicole
Oresme, Nicole
Born circa 1323 in Oresme, Normandy; died 1382 in Lisieux. French mathematician, physicist, and economist.
Oresme made one of the first attempts to construct a rectilinear coordinate system, and he introduced such concepts of mechanics as acceleration and the average rate of uniformly changing motion. In 1368 he introduced the use of fractional exponents. His Traité de la sphère (Treatise on the Sphere) played a significant role in the development of French astronomical and geographical terminology.
Algorismus proportianum. Edited by E. L. W. Curtz. Berlin, 1868.REFERENCES
Trudy Instituta istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki, vol. 1. Moscow-Leningrad, 1947. Pages 283–314.Ibid., vol. 34. Moscow, 1960. Pages 343–49.
Pedersen, O. “Nicole Oresme, og hans naturfilosofiske system ….” In Le Livre du ciel et du monde (doctoral dissertation). Copenhagen, 1956.