释义 |
metanephrogenic met·a·neph·ro·gen·ic , metanephrogenous (met'ă-nef'rō-jen'ik, -nĕ-froj'ĕ-nŭs), Applied to the more caudal part of the intermediate mesoderm that, under the inductive action of the metanephric diverticulum, has the potency to form metanephric tubules. [meta- + G. nephros, kidney, + -gen, producing] met·a·neph·ro·gen·ic , metanephrogenous (met'ă-nef-rō-jen'ik, -nĕ-froj'ĕ-nŭs) Applied to the more caudal part of the intermediate mesoderm, which, under the inductive action of the metanephric diverticulum, has the potency to form metanephric tubules. [meta- + G. nephros, kidney, + -gen, producing]metanephrogenic (mĕt″ă-nĕf′rō-jĕn′ĭk) [″ + nephros, kidney, + gennan, to produce] Pert. to the part of the caudal mesoderm of the embryo that forms metanephric tubules of the kidney. |