

单词 mache unit

Mache Unit

Mache Unit


(named after the Austrian physicist H. Mache; 1876-1954), an obsolete unit of the concentration of radioactive nuclides. It is occasionally used in balneology (for the dosimetry of mineral waters and therapeutic muds) and in the dosimetry of natural gases (air). The concentration of radon in water or air is usually indicated in mache units. One mache unit is the amount of radioactive nuclide present in 1 liter of liquid or gas and capable of maintaining, through a-decay (without the participation of decay products), an ionization saturation current of 10-3 cgs units (3.336 ×10-13 A); 1 mache unit = 3.64 emans = 3.64 ×10-10 curies/liter.

Mache unit

Mache unit (Mu),

measurement of concentration in radioactive material formulated first in 1930. In SI, it equals about 13.5 × 10-3 becquerels per cubic centimeter.

Mache unit

(mă′kĕ) [Heinrich Mache, Austrian physicist, 1876–1954] ,

M.u., or German, M.E.

A unit of measurement of radioactivity.


Heinrich, Austrian physicist, 1876-1954. Mache unit - a measurement of radioactivity.




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