Masurian Lake Region

Masurian Lake Region


(Polish, Pojezierze Mazurskie), a lake-dotted plateau in northeastern Poland, lying on the Baltic Ridge between the lower reaches of the Vistula River and the central part of the Neman basin. In the north it descends to the Pomeranian Lowland, and in the south it borders on the Mazovia-Podlesie Lowland. It has a glacial-sedimentary terrain with a large number of moraine hills rising to 317 m and intermoraine depressions, frequently occupied by lakes connected by many rivers. There are about 2,700 lakes with a total area of approximately 1,450 sq km, of which the most famous are the Masurian Lakes. There are pine and mixed forests, peat bogs, heaths, and many meadows. A considerable portion of the Masurian Lake Region is cultivated; the principal crops are rye, potatoes, and, in the eastern part, flax.