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mastodynia (ˌmæstəˈdɪnɪə) n (Medicine) med pain in the breastsTranslationsmastodynia
mastodynia[‚mas·tə′din·ē·ə] (medicine) A type of cystic hyperplasia of the breast marked by an increase of connective tissue in the breast, without a proportionate increase in glandular epithelium. mastodynia
mastalgia [mas-tal´jah] pain in the breast; called also mammalgia and mastodynia.mas·to·dyn·i·a (mas'tō-din'ē-ă), Pain in the breast. See also: mammary neuralgia. Synonym(s): mammalgia, mastalgia [masto- + G. odynē, pain] mastodynia (1) Mastalgia; breast pain. (2) An obsolete term for fibrocystic disease of breast, see there.mastodynia Medtalk → Vox populi Breast painmas·to·dyn·i·a (mas'tō-din'ē-ă) Pain in the breast. Synonym(s): mammalgia, mastalgia. [masto- + G. odynē, pain]Cooper, Sir Astley Paston, English anatomist and surgeon, 1768-1841. Cooper fascia - one of the coverings of the spermatic cord, formed of delicate connective tissue and of muscular fibers derived from the internal oblique muscle (cremaster muscle). Synonym(s): cremasteric fasciaCooper hernia - a femoral hernia with two sacs. Synonym(s): bilocular femoral hernia; Hey herniaCooper herniotome - a slender bistoury with short cutting edge for dividing the constricting tissues at the neck of a hernial sac.Cooper ligament repairCooper ligaments - (1) suspensory ligaments of breast. Synonym(s): suspensory ligaments of Cooper - (2) pectineal ligament - (3) transverse ligament of elbow.Cooper neuralgia - Synonym(s): mastodyniaCooper testis - neuralgia of the testicles.suspensory ligaments of Cooper - Synonym(s): Cooper ligaments (1)ThesaurusSeemastalgia |